Employee Experience Glossary
We’ve compiled a list of the top 140 EX phrases and buzzwords that every HR professional needs to know. Start browsing by selecting a letter from the list.

Last updated 18.12.23
EX Glossary
Actively Disengaged Employees
Third in the Gallup employee engagement categories. It is used to express employees who are dissatisfied with their job and their employer and openly share their dissatisfaction with other employees.
Each conscious step taken to bring an experience design to life.
Former employees who have left the organization.
Alumni Experience
A set of consciously designed experiences so that ex-employees who have left the organization can have positive feelings and thoughts about their former employer.
The discipline that creates meaning out of data.
It is the fourth stage of the Recruitment Funnel. At this stage, the necessary activities are followed so that the employees who have the desire to work for the brand apply for the open positions or send their resumes to the general application post.
It is the profiling of a particular target audience based on prominent, typical behavioral characteristics. Functionally, it serves the same purpose as the Persona. However, unlike the Persona, an Archetype is not given a name, illustrated with a face or with a speech bubble. It is an abstract character.
Assumption Map
Before an experience design goes live, this Design Thinking tool can be used to ensure that the design responds to the employee's expectations, interests and needs. Assumption maps allow the challenges a product or service may face when it comes to market to be examined in the “risky/risk-free” and “easy/difficult” quadrants.
The first phase of the Employee Life Cycle. All Employer Branding activities carried out in this phase focus on attracting talented employees, who are within the target audience of the organization, to the brand to apply for an open position.
It refers to the voluntary or involuntary departure of employees from their organization.
Attrition Ratio
It is calculated in the same way as the Turnover Ratio.
It is the first stage of the Recruitment Funnel. At this stage, the necessary activities are followed to make the candidates aware of the brand.
Behavioral Data
A type of data that helps us understand how the employee behaves in the face of a particular event, in an experience design, or at decision moments in the process flow.
The holistic sense of commitment that the employee feels towards his/her organization.
A term used to define the body of the opportunities (Ex: Premium, private health insurance, meal voucher, etc.) in addition to the base salary, obtained from the organization in return for the job the employee does.
Potential employees who enter the target audience that the organization wants to attract to its brand during the Attraction phase of the Employee Life Cycle.
Candidate Experience
A set of consciously designed experiences so that certain emotions and thoughts can come to the fore in the interaction of the candidate with the organization during the Attraction and Recruitment phases of the Employee Life Cycle.
CATI: Computer-Aided Telephone Interview
A system that allows the employee to listen to the questions prepared for a specific purpose as a voice recording over the phone and to enable the employee to respond to the survey by dialing.
A set of technological methods (Ex: Mail, link, CATI, etc.) used in experience design that enable the use of different measurement tools.
A way of working that allows the employee to be involved in the design of employee experience, the implementation of applications, and the making of decisions that will affect the experience.
Travel necessary to get from home to work and back from work.
The term used synonymously with salary. Remuneration given by the organization to the employee in return for his/her work in accordance with the employment contract.
It is the second stage of the Recruitment Funnel. At this stage, the necessary activities are followed for the candidates who are aware of the brand to consider working in the brand.
Corporate Culture
A set of beliefs and values that guide the behavior of the organization and its employees.
Corporate Values
A set of beliefs specific to an organization, defined in a way that distinguishes an organization from other organizations. Characters shape people's behavior and values shape the behavior of organizations.
Corporate Wellbeing
All of the opportunities offered by the organization (Ex: Access to sports, nutrition and yoga specialists, etc.) so that employees can lead a healthier, happier and more productive lifestyle.
Correlative Questions
Type of question used to understand the effect between two or more variables in HR Analytics studies.
Culture Ambassador
A community of employees who come from different teams, titles, positions and senioritis within the organization and become the Voice of the Employee in Co-Creation efforts.
Design Thinking
Design thinking is a methodology based on solution-oriented thinking within the framework of different perspectives. Unlike the product-oriented approach, it adopts a human and empathy-oriented solution process.
It is the third stage of the Recruitment Funnel. At this stage, the necessary activities are followed so that the candidates who consider working in the brand desire to be an employee of the brand.
The fourth phase of the Employee Lifecycle. The personal and professional development, performance and career development of the employees whose Onboarding phase has been completed are followed up in this phase.
Digital Working Environment
It refers to electronic environments where employees can follow their work, cooperate with others, and conduct presentations, training, meetings, interviews and socialization activities during remote work.
Disengaged Employees
Second in Gallup employee engagement categories. It is used to express employees who have lost their emotional bonds with their job and employer.
ELC: Employee Life Cycle
An acronym for Employee Life Cycle.
Improving the experience by updating an experience design to better respond to the expectations, interests, and needs of the employee in their current circumstances.
Emotional Data
A type of data that helps us understand the employee's mood and feelings about a particular issue.
The mental state where the designer shapes his work by putting himself in the place of the employee so that the current conditions of the employee can be understood and the expectations, interests and needs of the employee can be interpreted correctly. Empathy is also the first step of the Design Thinking approach.
A person who works in a workplace for a fee, subject to a service contract.
Employee Centric Mindset
Centering the employee in the way of doing business, processes, policies and procedures; the mindset that exhibits an employee-oriented approach.
Employee Centricity
A work style that takes into account the effects of working on the employee in all designs, applications, and approaches from the perspective of the employee.
Employee Experience
The sum of the impressions employees have about their employers over time as a result of their interactions with their organizations.
Employee Life Cycle
A cycle that ensures that the career time of the employees in a particular organization is divided into phases and managed by the Human Resources teams. It generally consists of 6 phases. These phases are referred to as Attraction, Recruitment, Onboarding, Development, Retention, and Separation.
Employee Value Proposition
An argument that is constructed to answer the specific question of “Why should you work here and not in another organization?'', asked both by the candidates and the current employees.
A business owner, a legal entity that employs workers under a service contract.
Employer Branding
Identifying and expressing the elements that will transform the brand into the ideal employer for the talents the organization wants to achieve.
Employment Contract
On the employer side; the nature and rules of the work expected to be done, also on the employee side; the contract which determines the wages and fringe benefits to be received in return for the work.
Engaged Employees
The first of the Gallup employee engagement categories. It is used to express employees who are emotionally dedicated, engaged and excited about their job and their employer.
The involvement and excitement that employees feel about the work they do and the organization they work for.
Engagement Categories
Grouping the employees based on their feelings towards the job and the employer, according to the results of the Engagement Survey.
Engagement Survey
A type of survey that is typically used company-wide and is conducted usually once or twice a year, with batteries consisting of 75-100 questions to measure the attitudes of the employees towards their work and their employers and/or to understand the feelings of the employees on the basis of certain themes (Ex: Values, competencies, major projects realized during the year, etc.).
eNPS: Employee Net Promoter Score
An acronym for Employee Net Promoter Score.
eSAT: Employee Satisfaction Score
An acronym for Employee Satisfaction Score
EVP: Employee Value Proposition
An acronym for the Employee Value Proposition.
EX Framework
A model that guides the organization on what needs to be done to deliver a healthy employee experience.
EX Model
Triangle-shaped employee experience model created by Jacob Morgan.
EX Ripple Model
A model describing the ownership of the entirety of the work to be done on employee experience within the organization and the employee experience domain in general.
The process in which an employee leaves the organization
Exit Interview
The structured interview that is usually conducted by Human Resources with employees leaving the organization. With the feedback gathered in the exit interview, it is tried to understand in which areas the organization has improvement areas and to identify possible improvement opportunities.
Expectation Alignment
An honest exchange of information between the candidate and the employer during the recruitment phase to discuss the expectations of both sides with full transparency to clarify and come to an agreement on matters such as the way of doing business, the nature of the job, the culture of the organization, etc.
The transformation of the emotions felt during an event into a memory, leaving an impact in a way that also shapes the thoughts after the event.
Experience Design
It is the conscious design of a product or service experience for employees to trigger certain emotions over the entirety of the experience in a consistent way.
Experience Layer
A term in employee experience that refers to the different layers (Ex: Workspaces, work tools, etc.) where experience flows.
Experience Maturity
The maturity level that indicates how advanced an organization is in its employee experience practices.
Experience Principle
In principle, the organization defines the employee experience it wants to provide. These principles serve as a compass for the organization to guide all future experience designs. It is a guide that provides clarity on how to act by drawing the frame in moments of decision.
Experiential Organizations
It is a concept that represents companies that invest in employee experience at all layers and display an employee-oriented approach in all of their processes.
A response where an employee shares his/her feelings and thoughts about an experience s/he has had.
Fixed Mindset
A view of life that believes effort, education and direction have limited impact on development, and that skills and competencies are innate.
The employee's immersion in his/her work to such an extent that s/he forgets the concept of time and space. Inability to understand how time passes while working.
Gain Point
A touchpoint in an experience design that provides a design-appropriate experience flow. Experience in Gain Points makes the life of the employee easier and increases the experience.
Growth Mindset
Seeing mistakes as opportunities for improvement, not as defeats. A view of life that believes that skills and competencies can be improved with effort, education, and direction.
HEX Model
A hexagonal-shaped employee experience model created by Ben Whitter.
HEXP Certification: (Holistic Employee Experience Practitioner) Certificate
The holistic Employee Experience Practitioner Certificate given to those who successfully complete the employee experience training program given by the UK-based HEX Organization, which provides employee experience training and consultancy services.
HR: Human Resources
An acronym for Human Resources.
Human Resources
It is a field of expertise that follows all processes related to employees in a wide range from recruitment to dismissal in organizations.
Hybrid Working Model
A business model that uses a mix of remote and on-site working models.
Hypothesis Map
It is a structured version of journey maps based on assumptions and estimates from internal stakeholders, without direct customer observation and research.
Two parties mutually influence each other.
Involuntary Turnover
Employee Turnover, formed by employees leaving the organization against their own will (Ex: dismissal).
The activity path that an employee follows to complete a process offered by the organization.
Journey Map
It is an animation of a process that an employee follows to perform a specific job. After the process is created in a time flow with its basic steps, the flow is embodied by what the employee does, says, feels and expects in each step.
Lateral Career Move
The transition of the employee to a different, conjugated role (Ex: From the Expert role to the Expert role) at the same level as the role s/he assumes within the organization.
A one-time mass layoff, often accompanied by a downsizing decision in times of economic crisis.
A person who inspires with his character and stance, who uses social influence to increase the effort of others for a purpose.
Social influence that will allow others to increase their efforts towards a goal.
Learning Mindset
A view of life that believes that every experience contributes to development by seeing life's experiences as learning opportunities.
Likert Scale
A type of scale used to understand the severity of a particular group's views, feelings and sentiments on a particular issue.
The group of employees in managerial roles in the organization.
A role responsible for directing the business activities of its subordinates to achieve specific business objectives.
A statement that shows how complementary and healthy the employee's relationship with their organization is.
MoI: Moments of Impact (Moments That Will Be Memories)
An acronym for Moments of Impact (Moments That Will Be Memories)
Moments of Impact: Moments That Will Be Memories
An expression synonymous with the concept of Moments that Matter.
Moment of Truth
Instances with a high probability of affecting the relationship of the employee with his organization and his/her commitment to his/her organization in a positive/negative way. Due to the high emotional load felt by the employee at these moments, it may strengthen the employee's commitment to the organization or may also cause the employee to leave the organization.
Moments that Matter
Moments that happen to the employee in his/her professional and private life and that are likely to deeply affect his/her relationship with the organization, are likely to turn into memories.
MoT: Moment of Truth
An acronym for The Moment of Truth
MtM: Moments that Matter
An acronym for Moments that Matter.
The exit stage, in which the exit processes of the employees leaving the organization are followed.
On-Site Working
A business model that allows work to be carried out only at the workplace and physically.
The third phase of the Employee Life Cycle. The adaptation of the candidates who have passed the Recruitment phase and are now promoted to the employee identity is followed up in this phase.
Operational Tools
It refers to the operational tools (Ex: Company vehicle, work safety equipment, office equipment, etc.) that the organization offers to its employees in order to carry out the work.
Pain Point
A touchpoint in an experience design that doesn't provide a streamlined experience flow. Experience at Pain Points complicates the employee's life and drags down the experience.
An expression synonymous with Benefit. Mostly used by employees in the United States.
A profile of a specific audience based on prominent behavioral characteristics.
Physical Working Environment
Refers to the physical company environments offered by the employer. It covers not only the environments necessary for the work to be done, but also other physical opportunities that the employee uses for different needs such as cooperation, rest, eating, focusing, personal development, and socialization.
Predictive Questions
It is the type of question used in HR Analytics to generate future insights by interpreting past data.
Probation Period
The statutory notice period from the termination of the employment contract by the employee or employer until the employee leaves his/her organization.
It is the combination of certain characteristics of a target audience to define it in a way that distinguishes it from other groups.
Proto Persona
It is the version of the Persona profile of a specific target audience, based on assumptions from previous experiences, without direct observation or research.
It is a branch of science concerned with the measurement and evaluation of behavior, the application of statistical methods to psychology, and the development of mathematical models that can be used to explain and interpret behavior. Another name is psychometric psychology.
Pulse Survey
A type of questionnaire that allows the employee to learn their instant opinion, feelings and emotions on a particular issue with the use of a single or few questions.
An expression synonymous with Reason for Being. A meaningful proposition that will gather employees around it and allow the entire organization to move in the same direction.
Qualitative Data
Descriptive data collected to understand the state of feelings, thoughts and emotions about a subject.
Quantitative Data
Numerical data collected to measure a subject.
Reason For Being
A meaningful, sustainable corporate purpose proposition that will mobilize the employee and is designed in such a way that the employee can share and own it.
Recognizing the employee's contribution to the organization and expressing this contribution to the employee in writing or verbally.
The second phase of the Employee Life Cycle. All activities (Ex: Interview, personality inventory, foreign language test, case study, reference check, proposal, etc.) that the candidates who are attracted to the brand during the Attraction phase go through during the recruitment process are followed up in this phase.
Recruitment Funnel
It is the model in which the target audience that the organization wants to reach in Employer Branding studies is followed from being aware of the brand to applying for a job to the brand.
The bond that emerges as a result of the communication of the employee with the employee, the employee with the organization and the organization with the employee.
Relationship Framework
The concept that expresses the frequency, depth and consistency (Breadth, Depth and Consistency) in the communication that the organization follows in its employee experience studies.
Remote Working
A business model that allows the work to be carried out only remotely, without the need to go to a physical workplace.
The fifth phase of the Employee Life Cycle. It can be executed in parallel or consecutively with the Development phase. The processes applied for the continuation of the loyalty of the employees to the organization (Ex: Talent management, assignment and promotion, succession, compensation & benefits) are followed at this stage.
Retention Ratio
Retention rate is the metric that expresses the percentage of employees who stay in an organization over a given period of time. It is found by dividing the number of employees remaining in the organization in the current year by the number of employees in the previous year and multiplying the resulting number by 100.
Material or emotional value given for the purpose of honoring an employee.
Rewarding the employee financially or emotionally for their contribution to the organization.
Reward & Recognition
The Human Resources unit, its area of expertise, carries out the necessary activities to recognize the success of the employees, their contributions to the organization, the way they live the corporate values, and to reinforce this positive behavior and to set an example and encourage others.
RFB: Reason for Being
An abbreviation used to express the Reason for Being.
The wage determined by the employment contract that the employee is entitled to in return for the work done.
Extending a well-functioning experience design to different departments/teams of the organization
The sixth step of the Employee Life Cycle. The exit processes of the candidates who will leave the organization (Ex: Exit Interview, Alumni) are followed at this stage.
A research method used to collect data from a specific group for a specific purpose.
Technological Tools
It refers to all technological tools, equipment, software and hardware (Ex: Laptop, mobile phone, company line, etc.) that the organization offers to its employees in order to carry out the work.
Touchpoint refers to the moments or events in which an organization interacts with its employees where employees benefit from HR products or services (Ex: Shuttle, cafeteria, resting area, performance interview, payroll, etc.) offered to the employees of the organization they work for, just like a customer.
Touchpoint Map
A journey map that is shaped based on touchpoints rather than the process steps that the employee goes through throughout the design.
Bringing the employee to a different role or title within the organization.
Refers to the percentage of employees who leave a company within a given period of time (Ex: Current year).
Turnover Ratio
It is the percentage of employees who leave the organization within a certain period of time. It is found by dividing the number of employees leaving the organization within a certain period (Ex: Current year) by the average number of employees in the organization during the same measurement period and multiplying the resulting number by 100.
Vertical Career Move
The transition of the employee from the role s/he assumes within the organization to a higher level role (Ex: Managerial).
Visual Employment Contract
Business contracts that are visually prepared in a way that can be easily understood by the employee, free from legal terms.
VoE: Voice of Employee
An acronym for the concept of Voice of Employee.
Voice of Employee
The term that refers to the qualitative and quantitative feedback gathered to understand how the employee reacts to the experience designs that are implemented.
Voluntary Turnover
Employee Turnover, formed by the employees who left the organization voluntarily (Ex: Resignation, retirement, etc.).