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Manage Feedback Effortlessly, Resolve Issues Efficiently

Pisano's feedback management module is the gold standard for managing customer feedback across organizational levels. It helps you capture, categorize, share and resolve every feedback in a streamlined and efficient manner.

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Empowering_Banking_Experiences (5)

Centralized Control Over Customer Feedback

A strong customer experience structure generates a wealth of feedback. A centralized feedback management center is the only efficient way to organize and disseminate this feedback to the right departments and roles.

Centralized Inbox

Our Feedback Inbox is your command center for managing all incoming feedback. This central hub allows you to view, filter and respond to real-time customer feedback in an easily navigable list. You can perform bulk actions such as archiving, marking as spam, or assigning feedback to the relevant teams, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

Outstanding_Performance (5)

Tagging and Categorization

Automatically or manually tag and categorize feedback based on key themes, sentiment, or custom criteria. This allows for more precise filtering, tracking, and reporting, ensuring that each piece of feedback is routed to the right team for action. 

Omnichannel_Feedback_Collection (3)

Real-time Filtering

Use advanced filtering options to focus on the most critical feedback based on creation date, feedback status, and sentiment scores.

Automated_Survey_Distribution (4)

Role, Branch, and Region-Based Feedback Management

Pisano’s platform allows you to structure feedback management according to your organizational hierarchy. Feedback can be categorized and managed based on roles, branches, and regions, giving each team the tools to manage customer interactions effectively.

Role-Based Management

Assign feedback to specific roles within your organization, ensuring that the right people are handling the right issues.

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Branch & Region Categorization

Segment feedback by branch or region to pinpoint local issues and tailor solutions that meet specific needs.

Key_Metric_Measurement (5)

Resolve Issues Efficiently

In your inbox, feedbacks transform into actionable tickets that can be tracked and resolved. Each ticket is linked to specific feedback, allowing you to manage and monitor the entire resolution process from start to finish.

Progress Tracking

Monitor the progress of each ticket, with real-time updates and notifications to keep everyone informed.

Data_Visualization (2)

Priority Settings

Assign priority levels to tickets to ensure that the most critical issues are addressed first.

Closing_the_Feedback_Loop (5)

Collective Action

Keep your team in sync by adding internal notes directly to customer feedback entries. Take notes and discuss solutions to get everyone on the same page and have all the context you need to solve issues faster.
On-Premise_Implementation (4)

Showcase the Impact Your Customers Make

Closing the loop with your customers is essential for maintaining trust and satisfaction. Pisano’s platform offers robust tools to ensure that every piece of feedback is not only addressed but also communicated back to the customer.

Direct Customer Responses

Reply directly to feedback without any external tools. All replies are sent directly from your inbox to the customer's, and their replies automatically appear in your existing ticket. 

Rigorous_Security_Protocols (2)

Follow-Up Reminders

Streamline your workflow by setting reminders for follow-ups. This will help you stay organized, efficient, and ensure that no issue falls through the cracks.

Fully_Adapted_to_Your_Organization_Scheme (1)

Feedback Resolution Metrics

Track resolution times and success rates for each support ticket, analyzing trends and identifying areas for improvement. Use this data to refine processes, optimize workflows, and ensure consistent delivery of high-quality customer service.

Outstanding_Performance (6)

Easy Export & Import for More Flexibility in Data Management

Pisano’s Export/Import feature gives you full control over your feedback data. Whether you need to back up your data, transfer it to another system, or import feedback collected through other means, our platform makes it simple and efficient.

Export Feedback

The ability to export feedback data in a processable format is a crucial component of integrating Pisano feedback with other internal tools and systems. This feature allows users to export feedback data in a format that can be easily analyzed, reported on, or backed up.

Pre-Built_Dashboards-Modules (15)

Import Feedback

Use Pisano’s import function to upload existing feedback from other platforms, ensuring that all your data is consolidated within a single system for more effective management and reporting.

Automated_Survey_Distribution (5)

Get Started on Your Experience Management Journey Now

Consult our experience management solution architects to learn more about how to get started.
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