
The Essential Guide to XM Platform Migration

Written by Mehmet Oğuz Özdil | Apr 17, 2024 9:12:12 AM

You've invested time and effort into implementing an XM platform, knowing the power it holds to unlock customer loyalty and fuel business growth.

But lately, a question lingers: is it hindering your progress, not accelerating it? Integration issues creating data silos? Scalability concerns limiting your growth?

These are common challenges. While XM platforms offer immense value, they can become outdated or struggle to adapt to evolving business needs. If this resonates, it might be time to migrate to a platform that empowers you to maximize the impact of your efforts.  

This guide will equip you with the knowledge and considerations to make an informed decision. But first, let's address a common concern: is migrating between XM platforms a complex process? 

Is it Hard to Migrate Between Platforms

Migrating to a new Experience Management (XM) platform can feel daunting. You might imagine mountains of data to move, complex configurations to untangle, and a long period of disruption for your team.  

But fear not!  With the right mindset, careful planning and the right partner, migrating to a new XM platform is not a problem, in fact, it is often the key to success far beyond the ordinary.

Think of it like a well-organized move to a new house.  By taking inventory of your belongings, decluttering, and hiring reliable movers, the process becomes streamlined and even exciting!  

In the XM world, this translates to identifying your needs, assessing your current data and partnering with a team that has experience navigating these transitions

In Which Cases Should You Migrate From Your Current Platform

Knowing when it's time to migrate from your current Experience Management (XM) platform is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness and relevance of your business processes.  

Here are some key indicators that suggest it might be time to explore new XM options: 

1.  Platform Limitations 

XM professionals like yourself are constantly innovating. But what if your XM platform can't keep up? Here's the sign: scalability limitations. Are you hitting roadblocks due to limitations on users, data storage, or integrations? These constraints can cripple your ability to adapt your experience management program as your business explodes.  Imagine a siloed system, unable to handle the influx of customer data from new markets or branches.  This is where growth stalls and insights get buried.   

2. Functionality Gaps

As your CX strategy evolves, so do your requirements for features and capabilities. If your current platform is falling short in meeting your evolving needs, it's time to reassess. Are you missing critical features for omnichannel feedback collection, in-depth analytics, visualizing data or automated workflows? These functional gaps can impede your ability to extract meaningful insights and take proactive steps to enhance the experience.

3. Usability Challenges

A platform's usability directly impacts user adoption and engagement. If your current platform is overly complex or unintuitive, it may be discouraging your team from actively participating in XM initiatives. Are users struggling to navigate the platform, leading to decreased engagement and productivity? A user-friendly interface is essential for maximizing the value and effectiveness of your team’s efforts. 

4. Integration Issues

Seamless integration with your existing tech stack is crucial for achieving a unified view of the customer journey. If your current platform is causing integration problems with your CRM, helpdesk, or other business-critical systems, it can disrupt workflow efficiency and data consistency. Constant battles with integration compatibility can drain time, resources and effort.

5. Budget Constraints

While not always immediately apparent, budget considerations play a significant role in the decision to migrate from your current XM platform. As your business grows and evolves, so do your budgetary requirements. If your current platform's pricing structure no longer aligns with your budget or if you're constantly faced with unexpected fees for additional features or users, it may be time to explore cost-effective alternatives. 

Recognizing these signs can help you proactively evaluate whether your current XM platform is still serving your needs effectively or if it's time to explore alternative options so you can ensure that your XM strategy remains agile, efficient, and aligned with your overarching business objectives. 

Finding the Perfect Fit: How to Choose the Right XM Platform  

Recognizing the need for a new XM platform is like realizing your toolbox is full of rusty, outdated tools. It's time to upgrade, but standing in a hardware store overflowing with options can feel overwhelming at first.

But with the right checklist and a clear understanding of the specific jobs you need done, it is possible to find the perfect tools that tackle every project flawlessly.

Here's steps to choose the right XM platform for your business: 

1.  Define Your Requirements 

Before evaluating specific platforms, take the time to define your organization's unique requirements and objectives. Identify key functionalities and factors, which we will talk about in the next section, that are essential for supporting your XM strategy.  

2. Conduct Thorough Research 

Begin by conducting comprehensive research into available XM platforms. Explore industry reports and peer reviews to gain insights into each platform's features, capabilities, and reputation. An example could be verified customer reviews submitted to reputable organizations such as Gartner. Pay attention to user ratings and customer testimonials to gauge the real-world performance and suitability of each platform for your industry needs. 

3. Request Demos and Trials 

Once you've shortlisted potential vendors based on your research and requirements, reach out to them to request demos or trial access to their platforms. Use these opportunities to explore each platform's user interface, functionality, and ease of use firsthand.  

Pay attention to how intuitive the platform is to navigate, how seamlessly it integrates with your existing systems, and how well it aligns with your organization's workflows and processes.  

4. Evaluate Customization Options 

Assess each platform's flexibility and customization capabilities to ensure that it can be tailored to meet your organization's specific needs and preferences. Look for platforms that offer configurable dashboards, customizable reporting templates and flexible data modeling options to accommodate your unique requirements. 

5. Prioritize Long-Term Value 

Look beyond short-term features and functionalities and consider the long-term value proposition of each XM platform. Choose a platform that can grow and evolve with your organization, providing flexibility, and ongoing innovation to support your XM program's success well into the future. 

Key Considerations While Choosing the Right XM Platform 

Going back to the example of selecting the best tools for your toolbox, even if you've crossed off all the items on your checklist and filtered the results in detail, you may still have plenty of options.

Small details can make a big difference when it comes to choosing the right Experience Management platform for your business. Let's dig a little deeper and discover what makes two seemingly similar platforms different

1.  Ease of Use

An intuitive and user-friendly platform is essential for ensuring widespread adoption across your organization.

Look for a platform that offers a clean and intuitive interface, with features and functionalities that are easy to navigate for users at all levels, from frontline staff to executives.

A user-centric design minimizes the learning curve and encourages active engagement with the platform, maximizing its value and impact on your CX program.

2. Scalability

As your business grows, your XM platform should be able to scale alongside it, accommodating increasing user bases, data volumes, and global expansion.

Evaluate the platform's scalability by considering its ability to handle growing datasets, support additional users and concurrent sessions, and adapt to evolving business requirements without sacrificing performance or reliability.

A scalable platform ensures that your CX program remains agile and responsive to changing demands, both now and in the future. 

3. Integration Capabilities

Seamless integration with your existing tech stack is essential for achieving a unified view of the customer journey and leveraging data from multiple sources. Prioritize platforms that offer robust integration capabilities, allowing for seamless connectivity with your CRM, helpdesk, marketing automation tools, and other business-critical systems.

Look for pre-built connectors, APIs, and compatibility with industry-standard protocols to streamline the integration process and minimize dependencies on custom development work.

4. Data Security 

Protecting customer data and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements are paramount considerations when choosing an XM platform. Look for platforms that prioritize data security and offer robust encryption, access controls, and auditing capabilities to safeguard sensitive information.

Additionally, verify that the platform complies with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA, and undergoes regular security audits and certifications to uphold the highest standards of data protection and compliance.

5. Support

Reliable and responsive support is crucial for a successful migration and ongoing success with your chosen XM platform. Evaluate the vendor's support offerings, including access to technical assistance, documentation, training resources, and community forums.

Consider the vendor's reputation for customer support and responsiveness, as well as their track record of resolving issues and addressing customer concerns in a timely manner.

A proactive and supportive vendor can help ensure a smooth implementation process and provide ongoing assistance to maximize the value of your investment in the platform.

6. Total Cost of Ownership  

In addition to upfront licensing costs, consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with each XM platform. Factor in implementation costs, ongoing maintenance fees, and any additional expenses for training, support, or customization.

Compare pricing models, such as subscription-based vs. perpetual licensing, and consider the scalability of each platform to ensure that it can accommodate your organization's growth without incurring prohibitively high costs. 

How Pisano Can Help 

Every business has its own goals and challenges and there are a variety of platforms available, each with its own strengths and functionalities. That's why there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to XM platforms.

The good news? Some XM platforms are more adaptable and easier to use than others. This allows you to tailor the platform to your specific needs and get the most out of it.

We created Pisano with the belief that XM should be accessible and empowering for businesses of all sizes. That's why we focused on building a platform that's both flexible and user-friendly.

Here's how Pisano can be your trusted partner on the path to superior CX: 

Stress-Free Data And Platform Migration

Switching platforms shouldn't be a source of stress. With Pisano, our expert team takes the complexity out of migration, guiding you through the process step by step. From data migration to system configuration, we ensure a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your business operations. With Pisano by your side, you can confidently make the switch knowing that your CX program is in capable hands. 

All-in-One Advantage

Pisano offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to different roles, departments and business models.  Whether you're looking to streamline feedback collection, improve analytics, or automate workflows, Pisano provides everything you need to get started quickly and efficiently post-migration—all within a single, unified platform. 

Effortless Integrations

Connecting Pisano to your existing tech stack is a breeze. Our platform comes equipped with built-in connectors and a flexible integration framework, allowing you to seamlessly integrate with your CRM, helpdesk, marketing automation tools, and more. This not only simplifies the migration process but also ensures a unified view of your customer data post-migration. 

Usability for All

No more clunky interfaces or confusing user manuals hindering adoption after migration. Pisano boasts an intuitive design that's a joy to use for everyone in your organization, from frontline staff to executives. Our user-friendly interface empowers users to collect, analyze, and act on valuable customer feedback with ease across your entire organization.  

From Feedback to Actionable Insights

Pisano goes beyond just collecting feedback data from surveys. Our powerful analytics and reporting tools help you unlock and visualize actionable insights from your customer feedback, enabling you to uncover hidden trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions that drive positive customer experiences.  

Built to Scale with You

As your business grows, Pisano grows with you. Our platform is designed to scale effortlessly, accommodating growing user bases, massive data volumes, and global operations without missing a beat. 

Constant Support Every Step of the Way

At Pisano, we're committed to providing ongoing guidance to ensure you maximize the value of your investment. From migration-specific support and onboarding to troubleshooting and optimization, our dedicated customer care team is here to help you every step of the way without any extra costs.  

Futureproof Mindset

By harnessing the power of AI and NLP, Pisano ensures that your CX program remains agile, and future-ready in an ever-evolving landscape. Our advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities leverage cutting-edge technology to unlock the full potential of your customer feedback data. With Pisano's AI assistant Leo at your side, you can craft pinpoint surveys, gain deeper insights, and simplify repetitive tasks all in the blink of an eye. 

Swift Implementation

Pisano’s streamlined implementation process ensures rapid deployment of our platform, allowing you to start collecting valuable customer feedback and driving insights in no time. While we prioritize speed, we never compromise on quality.

Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering best-in-class solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that every aspect of the implementation is executed with precision and attention to detail.